29 October 2017

The Free and the Unfree

By way of a series of life events, choices and happenstance I remain a Free man and shall remain so until the fucking end. It never occurred to me that I might have become Unfree along the way, nor does it occur to me now that I may yet become so. My enchainment could have happened but it did not and will not.

Fuck that shit.

If the events of my life, the choices I made and Fate, if I may call happenstance that, had been different I could have become the sort of Unfree person you see on the news: dead on drugs; defending the actions or thoughts of political mad men; concerned with the imaginary downside of the end of marijuana prohibition; on the lookout for Free individuals and their associations so that I might squish them beneath my heavy boot.

Jason Kenney, you are so going down.

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